Thursday, July 15, 2010

The Origins of Scofield

And a shaman was born.

The details of how I became a shaman are fuzzy but I do know that I wanted to heal things. We didn’t have like any in the guild at the time. I know sad story. Everyone knows the grind. Starting area. Barrens. Tarren Mill, more Barrens, more Tarren Mill.
Oh hey a WC run. “What do you mean its bugged? What does that even mean??” You have those “Where the fuck do I go now?” moments. Those “holy shit that’s a lot of quests!” moments.

1.[Hinterlands] Scofield:LFM for jinth’alor. Pst.
1.[Hinterlands] SomeDbag:you don’t need a group anymore nub. L2 read your patch notes dumbass
1.[Hinterlands]Scofield:its noob dude

You are now ignoring SomeDbag.

Fucking trolls. Theyre non elite but fuck there's so many of em. Oh shit there's a caster. Oh shit. Run aw…fuck I'm dead.

You have died

Release. Reincarnate

Oh snap I'm back! More lightning bolts!!

You have died


Stupid pats….

[SameDbag] whispers: LOlOllol. Stupid nub. Go die some more. Im so l33t I can solo this whole place.

I thought I ignored this douche muffin…Oh hey it’s "a"instead. Clever…

You are now ignoring SameDbag

Same shit, different day as they say. We’re gonna fast forward to 70. I'm in karazhan. Nuggs is taking beatings from prince to the face like a good tank. Sam's healing on Sean's pally. Man why did it have to be 2 new healers on this run? Infernal NOT good! Shit run!

Nuggs has died


Fast forward a few more weeks. Greater heal. Greater heal. Earth shield. Greater heal. Pass out the loots.

[Nuggs] whispers: hey dude have you ever thought about going elemental? We got plenty of healers now and no one on this server ever runs elemental.
[Scofield] whispers:not at all lol. But im open to ideas.

Now I have this gift. When I spec a character 9 out of 10 times its exactly how Elitist Jerks and such say are the best. That little one out of ten though? That little guy? I wouldn't worry about that little guy. Sometimes Elitist Jerks gets it wrong. No ones perfect. The reason I tell you this is cause when I say down to make an elemental spec, it was game over. I never felt so satisfied with every spent talent point. Never questioned one single point.

Its Tuesday. Karazhan time again. Ok wtf am I doing here? Ok lightning bolt that looks important. Chain lightning, ima need that on trash pulls. Shock hmm what shock. Well earth always did the most but fire has a dot. Undead horses oh shit. Chain lightning. Flame shock. Lightning bolt. Iightning bolt. Lightning bolt. Earth shock. Ok, I could get used to this. How much dps am I doing? 200. Hmm. That not good. Maybe if I didn’t miss every other lightning bolt I could do more. I need more hit rating in my life. Now this marks a huge moment in my wow career. The day I fell in love with hit rating. The most useful stat you could every ask for. I had a buddy named mo who used to say “Fuck hit man, I can get an extra blah blah spell power out of it and yadda yadda crit.” “Yeah mo but you cant crit if you don’t hit the target.”
Poor show Mo. Poor show…

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